I absolutely LOVE the students I have the privilege of teaching. I believe that all children are capable of learning and growing into productive members of society. In my class, as in every special education class that I know about, the children MUST be explicitly taught skills that other children learn naturally. I thought it would be interesting for all of us "special" teachers to make a list of skills we teach on a daily basis that will never be on any standardized test, but are essential for our kids to grow. (General ed teachers, you are welcome to participate as well!) I have many good friends who are general education teachers, but many of them truly do not understand what goes on in my class on a daily basis.
Here's my list:
get the InLinkz code
Here's my list:
- how to tie shoes (all students up through 5th grade)
- how to walk up and/or down steps so you don't fall/trip/step on the person in front of you
- how to walk in a line
- how to use the bathroom independently
- how to shower/bathe at home so the other kids do not harass them because of body odor
- when it is appropriate to scratch/adjust your underclothes
- how to brush your teeth
- how to ask for help
- look at the person who is talking to you
- how to make friends
- how to have an appropriate conversation with peers/adults
- how to blow your nose
- how to move through the building and find where you are going
- following directions
- how to wait for your turn
- how to handle frustration
- how to handle disappointing situations
- how to handle changes in schedule
- what is appropriate behavior in special programs/field trips
- how to maintain appropriate behavior when mad/sad/happy/excited
- how to handle new situations
- how to deal with people in costumes and other super scary people
- how to handle fire drills/tornado drills/ and any other unexpected drill
- how to stay with the group during a field trip
- what to do when you get lost on a field trip
- what to do when you get lost in the school building
- how to let others know they are annoying you in an appropriate manner
- what clothing is appropriate for the weather
- what clothing is appropriate for your age/body/gender
- what to do in an emergency at home/school/in public places
- how to call 911 and when it's appropriate
- how to pay attention to what is going on around you
- look in front of you when you are walking so you don't run into doors/walls/people
- table manners
- fine motor skills
- gross motor skills
- using logic and reason to figure out common problems
- understanding that other people have feelings
- understanding other people's perspective
- why we have to keep working when everything is so hard
get the InLinkz code