Zoob Mover Power Building Set
Ultra Stomp Rocket
My First Drum
This First Drum has a real drum sound for your first drum! Consistently a best seller due to quality sound and safety. This includes two one-piece child safe mallets and a plastic head which contributes to a real drum sound. This is a great drum for their first musical band. Colorful and attractive graphics on drum shell. Safe for ages +12 months.
Monster Truck
Your toddler will enjoy playing make believe with this Monster Truck. This dump truck is designed so that it is easily manipulated by little hands for exciting dumping and loading. This truck is made for indoor and outdoor use and can be used with sand and gravel. This stimulating toy is made from a durable plastic that is easy for children to handle. Come over to out site to check this out as well as other toy cars and trucks.
Brainstring R
With this Brainstring R your brain will be twisted in knots, until you solve it. Brainstring R is just as knotty as the original, but features a movable ball with a 360° spin that will have you on the ropes. Twist, turn, stretch and slide the puzzle in all directions to unravel the tightly wound knot. This will enhance your child's fine motor skills and spatial thinking. Once the strings are completely separated, the puzzle is solved - no strings attached.
Fantacolor Junior
This Fantacolor Junior is perfect as your child’s first peg board. It includes 48 chunky, easy-to-grasp pegs and 16 accompanying large picture cards. The pictures slide behind the clear plastic peg board, and kids can match their pegs to the colors in the picture, or create their own designs and patterns. This is great for developing their fine motor skills as well as hand-eye coordination. After playtime is over, all of the pieces can be stored inside the tray, which also has a convenient carrying handle. Because the pieces are too large to be a choking hazard, toddlers can have the chance to practice their developmental skills, all while feeling very grown up, with this safer version of the older children’s toy.
Pic 'N Pop
This is the precursor to Mom's vacuum cleaner. This Pic N Pop toy is a great popper unit which gets your children on the move! This great toy lets children launch balls from the chute with the click of the button and then roll over the ball and magically pick up the ball! Then the fun can start all over again! This toy is a great addition to your little one's toy box and can be used indoors and out.
The magnets have the ideal strength for easy assembly and breakdown of constructions. Outstanding, colorfully-illustrated guides in each set demonstrate the basics of magnetic phenomena, ways to strengthen structures, steps in building towers and bridges, and much more. Most importantly, children thrive on the creative satisfaction of dreaming up their own wonderfully imaginative magnetic assemblies!
ImagiPlanks-Infinite Playgroud
We are couldn't have been happier to announce that Imagi Planks are made here at home in the USA!
SmartMax Basic Stunt
Building with the SmartMax Basic Stunt magnetic building set introduces your child to basic scientific concepts, as it expands his creativity and refines his fine motor skills. The rules are simple: cold colors attract hot colors, and hot colors attract cold colors. Cold-colored pieces repel other cold-colored pieces; hot-colored pieces repel other hot-colored pieces.
Because the SmartMax Basic Stunt Set is designed for very young builders, the manufacturers went to great lengths to ensure your child’s safety: the gray metal balls are 1.8” in diameter, much too large to swallow, and the bars are sonic-welded to keep magnets safely inside. This is a great toy for little ones who love cars, trucks and adventure!
Makes two gallons of fluffy instant snow in seconds. Includes mixing instructions, science explanation and measuring scoop to mix-up a perfect batch every time.
Butterfly Pavilion
Little musicians can layer in sounds and create their own unique music using guitar strums, percussion, silly sounds and other cool musical sounds—even applause! They may also speed up their strumming to go into “chipmunk mode”, where everything plays faster and higher! See them laugh when the guitar tells you “that was really silly!” Like all Touch Magic products, the Rockin’ Guitar is lightweight and portable.
Math Mat Challenge Game
Albert's Insomnia Math Cards
Albert's Insomnia uses Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division to play the game. The skills needed to play the game help make basic math skills automatic without the monotony of flash cards. Albert's Insomnia is one of those rare games you can enjoy by yourself or play with a friend, in small groups or with an entire class! Albert's Insomnia played with two or more gives children a chance to socially interact, compete, and /or collaborate. The game can be played with a timer making it even more competitive.
This manipulative game has bright colors, an interesting theme, and keeps the attention as play continues because the longer you play a hand the more you have to think! Playing Alberts Insomnia is great for building self-esteem, you feel smart when you play and or win instead of lucky like in a game of chance.

This Make-Your-Own Monster Puppet is 5-star fun. A bazillion crazy creatures come from your child's imagination! With high quality hook at loop attachments, and 30 puppet pieces, there are thousands of zany possibilities in one great puppet toy! Funny, furry monster pieces can be attached in all kinds of clever ways and removed over and over. One minute the created puppet is happy, the next ferocious, the next sweet. This puppet-making kit has them all beat.
The PlasmaCar by PlaSmart
The Red PlasmaCar harnesses the natural forces of inertia, centrifugal force and friction. It is reasonably prices, and will keep your child occupied for hours on end. This plasma car is truly a unique toy with beautiful colors and a sturdy design. PlasmaCar requires no batteries, gears, or pedals--simply hop on and go. Turning the steering wheel propels the vehicle forward and steers it as well. The easy operation will have your child driving, turning, and cruising all over the house in no time.
Quality And Educational Toys
Educational Toys - Let Children Learn While They Are Having Fun
Everyone loves to play and children are no exception. Luckily Mother Nature cautiously planned it, so that children may learn vital skills by playing. Play is the most vital child activity, where learning actually occurs although unknowingly every time a child plays. However a parent must regulate the play so that it remains on an educational path. This is where educational toys, games and other activities come in.
During the last few years, parents started getting more interested in choosing smart toys for their children. These toys encourage the children to learn specific skills through a fun and enjoyable way, playing. The key lies in knowing which skill your child lacks that causes a particular learning or development problem.
Educational toys are specially designed to teach specific learning activities that children needs at various ages. Since children generally love to play, especially with kids toys, they receive lots of right stimulation at the right time.
There are also kids toys that are not educational for children and must be avoided. For instance toy guns and other such toys that tend to depict violence and other unpleasant behaviors and must. Although these toys may be a good quite enjoyable for youngsters, on the long term they will only causes harm.
Toys are one of the first things a child gets into contact with. Understanding how things work is the direct answer of solving problems that comes with choosing toys. Toys assist children in learning how to grab, pull, push, and synchronize the movement of the head with that of the hand.
Toys are essential when playing, and playing with a wide range of learning toys helps children to develop their imagination. It taught them to understand that different objects have different properties and to learn how to combine them to create other interesting objects.
Although parents can perform the stimulation job better, it would mean that the parent must personally spend countless hours during their child's formative years to give all of these stimulation and learning experiences. In turn that would mean that the parents have to sacrifice their other responsibilities and obligations. But with when the parents take the time to choose the appropriate learning toys they could serve as a buffer. During the absence of parents, smart toys could be used as substitutes so the child does not have to miss out on important stimulation that may cause them to under perform in school.
Excitement of Educational Toys
Don’t you agree raising an intelligent, smart child is a similar process? Don’t you think that to be just a Parent is not enough? Don’t you feel we, as parents, have a great deal of responsibility; the "house" we are building should not collapse under the wind, should survive earthquakes and hurricanes? Do we have a sufficient education? Do we have "the right tools"? Do we use the materials of the highest quality? Sometimes, choosing the right answer is quite a puzzling task.
There is no need to get a bachelor degree in "parenting", and "diploma" is not required to raise a child. Clear vision, great determination and desire are essential in this challenging and exciting process. And it is crucially important to understand and be aware of what "the right tools" are. With tons of information and commercials coming our way every day, it is a bit confusing to make the best choice for your child. What should we consider: computer game or developmental puzzle game; electronic toy or simple educational wooden toy; Barbie doll or old-fashion bright hand puppet? With a lot of factors to think about, choosing the right toy of an educational, developing and learning nature is a very difficult job.
A child’s brain develops in a predictable sequence from the least complex functions to the most complex. The interaction of our genetic inheritance (nature) and environment (nurture) determines how child brain will develop. Providing our children with the right educational toys ensures ongoing stimulation and properly balanced child development. Our experiences affect our brain development. What we see, hear, smell, taste and touch are experiences, which make connections in our brain and make us smarter. Connections that we repeat become stronger. To find the most appropriate educational toys that stimulate child developmental, learning progress and fun for children to play with, it is vitally important. Choosing the right developmental toys and games will create the most wonderful and motivating experience for your child.
Ignite the passion for learning in your child with exciting and inspiring educational toys and games! There are many great child activities to try: color and shapes recognition, first letters and early reading, imaginative and logical thinking or basic math practice - just to name a few. There are games, which are easy to play, but teach like tutor, and the others - are exciting board games and stimulating activity for all family. Educational toys and games are simple and fun way to capture children's attention and interest. At the same time, they playfully challenge children to learn and master life essential skills.
Follow your own instincts; memorize your own childhood with books, games and "plain toys". Spend more quality time with your children, play and interact with them, read and tell them stories. Do not let your kids sit alone with electronic toy or in front of the computer or TV for long hours! Chose right, and enjoy watching your precious child growing strong, smart and capable of any achievement!
Educational Toys: Making Kids Smart By Having Fun
It All Starts at Home
The home front is crucial to a child’s development. This is where curiosity is first explored. This is where a child learns about colors, shapes, and sounds, what Yes and No mean, and that asking “why” can almost always generate an explanation. The first lessons brought about by childhood generally come from the people around the household. That’s why all activities of your kid should be carefully selected. The right books, appropriate TV programs, and educational toys can supplement and enhance your child’s learning process, making the early stages of learning easier and enjoyable.
Lessons of Playtime
Playing is every child’s first priority. Playtime may only seem to provide pure entertainment, but it is also an integral part of your child’s mental and emotional growth. While it’s good to provide children opportunities for skill formation, such as music or art classes, it’s also ideal to give them ample time to play. Doing so, would provide the following benefits:
- Personality development
- Awareness of their potentials
- Promote independent thinking
- An avenue for creative thinking and problem solving
- Improvement their motor skills
- Enhance their ability to think and communicate
- Value-formation
Toys that Fit
Giving your child high-quality educational toys will liven up and enhance the process of sensory and learning development. The right toys for the right age needs to be considered too. A rattle wouldn’t capture the interest a five-year-old kid. Here’s a quick guide on what educational toys children may enjoy at a certain age:
Infants – The keywords are soft, safe, and colorful. Vividly colored rattles and squeaky toys will stimulate their sense of touch, sight, and hearing.
1 to 2 years – This is a stage where children start learning how to maneuver the things in their hands. They are also beginning to discover that some things are paired together. Toddlers will enjoy building blocks and toys that will allow them to identify and match shapes.
2 to 3 years – Children are beginning to get more creative at this age. They like role playing with other kids or by themselves. Puzzles, Play Cubes, and educational toys that stir their imagination are the best options.
4 to 5 years – Kids are into creative thinking and decision-making by this age. Educational toys that can help enhance these developments include puzzle games and constructions toys.
As children grow older, they become more independent in their choices of what toys to play with. They usually forego free play for games that involve rules and friends. They learn to be competitive. This is the time where parents’ guidance is most crucial. But if you’ve established the foundation by providing your child with educational toys early on, then you may have a child who’s well-developed emotionally and smart to boot.
Educational And Developmental Value Of Building Blocks
The younger they are the more necessary it becomes to check out blocks that are softer and lighter. Giant cardboard building blocks, for example, are extremely light-weight, easy to handle, and are so sturdy that even your infant whose just sitting up can fall over on them without breaking them or injuring herself. These building blocks will help your little one develop his motor skills while stacking them, and greatly expand his imagination at the same time.
As the child gets older, you can choose some of the well-crafted wooden blocks that often have the alphabet and numbers printed or carved on them. While still developing her motor skills, she’ll also be exploring her world with letters and numbers. This could be her first step towards spelling and reading. It will also help her learn to count. Another great benefit to these types of blocks is the ability to feel new textures and see new colors. Children should start to associate a red letter “A” block with their red ball. This is all an essential part of learning, and they’ll have fun with it too.
The possibilities are really endless when it comes to giving your child blocks to play with. Some of my son’s favorite ones are his farm animal blocks. He loves to pretend with them making each animal sound as he goes. This lets him explore the world and helps him make the connection between his wooden pigs and cows with the real thing he sees on the farm. As he gets even older and his coordination has improved, www.1888Toys.com has blocks that connect to one another with a series of grooves and notches providing sturdy links so he can build tractors, cars, buildings, really anything he wants in 3-D.
It’s important to know that playing with building blocks is both educational for your child and a vital step in developing the necessary skills as she grows. Whether you have a baby just rolling over or a rambunctious grade-schooler, building blocks are certainly a favorite toy for him, and a great tool for you to have.
Various Type Of Toys and Their Role in Child Development
The key to developing a child naturally is to choose quality toys that keep them occupied and teach them while they play. Parents often seek assistance in selecting the right toys at the most ideal stage of their child’s development. Many toys are designed for particular ages based on certain safety concerns; however, many others are designed to specifically encourage the development of certain abilities in a child. Researchers say that educational toys that foster the development of new learning skills may leave a permanent mark on young brains that can help them adapt as adults. Colored charts and blocks can be used to make them learn alphabets, numbers, and colors. They also improve the memory skills of the child. Moreover, when children complete a puzzle or a building block, they feel happy and satisfied. Toys also help in increasing their thinking and logical ability. However, playing for a long time can make the kids tired and they also need enough hours of sleep for their growth and development.
Most parents won't allow their children to watch violent shows on television. These shows could scare the children and promote in them a behavior that is not acceptable. But many do not realize that war toys can have similar effects. Most experts say that children should not be allowed to play with guns or other toys that promote violence. There is the potential for many negative effects. These toys send the message that violence is acceptable and conflicts should be resolved by fighting. Too many toys at once can be overwhelming to children. Keep the play environment clutter-free, and group similar toys together. For example, provide a science and nature box with a magnifying glass, toy critters and a related book or place the block box near the transportation box to encourage creative play using both. Make sure modeling clay, sorting toys, puzzles, balls, riding and climbing toys are accessible to encourage healthy child development.
Educational games to play with children
Toddlers are at their most curious stage. Hence, this is the time that parents should teach their toddlers in a fun and playful way. Aside from toys, toddlers can experience both fun and learning through Fisher-Price toddler games. These games are guaranteed educational yet the approach is in a play format to keep the toddlers’ interests. These games are easily accessible via the official website of Fisher-Price. Read on and check some of these games and what they can provide to your children.
The ABC’s Zoo - this game teaches the ABC song as it shows the alphabet letters. It helps in the development of letter and sound recognition. It also teaches word recognition, syllables and word parts.
Animal Sounds – this is a fun game where toddlers can match different animals with their corresponding animal sounds. It clearly teaches young kids to recognize different animals.
Count the Score – this is also a fun game that uses animals as part of teaching toddlers on counting and number recognition. In this game, animals score points and counting is introduced.
These are just some of the Fisher-Price toddler games that your young ones will surely enjoy. So many games are still featured on Fisher-Price website. They have games on recognition of different colors, shapes, and sounds. There are also downloadable coloring sheets which can keep your toddlers hands busy.
Fisher-Price toddler games are the most suitable games for your little ones. Unlike other games that carry repetitive images, noisy sounds and bright images, Fisher-Price games are appealing and calming to the toddlers’ eyes and ear. It is in a simple format. Hence, toddlers will be able to manage playing these games online.
You can see that there are a lot of games that you can play with your child, many of these games are great because they will help your toddler or child learn more. It is very important for you as a parent to play these types of games with your kid. If you neglect your child everyone knows that they will not develop to their fullest potential. In order to ensure your child learns the most they can you can play toddler games.
If you are shopping for educational toys consider looking for fisher price coupons first, fisher price coupons will help you save money when you are purchasing toys for your children to play with. When you buy toys you are helping engage your children but we all know how much they can cost. This is why I always look online for fisher price coupons before I go shopping, I have shared the links below to my favourite page to check for coupons for diapers, toys and more.
Educational Baby Toys Which Are Safe And Fun To Play With.
Wooden toys for babies are one way to make sure that your child does not have issues with small parts. With wooden toys, you also know that they will be durable; unlike plastic toys, they will not splinter or break into smaller parts. When you are looking for infant toys, one of the best toys you can start out with are wooden blocks. Far from being old fashioned or simple, wooden blocks facilitate all sorts of developmental baby games. You'll find that your child is practicing hand-eye coordination as well as building up fine motor control when he or she builds up the blocks. You also foster a sense of creativity and industry when you buy your baby a set of blocks. Some blocks even come with painted letter designs, allowing your child to become familiar with the alphabet and with the written language.
Wooden puzzles are another way that baby toys can be educational. Think about large bulky wooden puzzle pieces. They'll be a lot harder to lose and a great deal less frustrating for your child than smaller, more fragile cardboard puzzles. This is an excellent way to begin working with child when it comes to logical thinking and problem solving skills. Every child loves the end result of the finished puzzle and you can be sure that yours will enjoy having you help them put it together.
When looking for educational baby toys, also take a look at soft toys. Babies naturally gravitate towards soft toys, especially if they are colorful, and this is a great time to start teaching your child about colors. One wonderful toy for a baby is a set of stuffed trucks and cars. You can have your child start to identify these things as well as work with him or her colors and different sizes. Soft toys are also usually a good idea for children because they can't hurt themselves on them. Your baby will be able to play as roughly as they please without the risk of having those toys break. Similarly, you can find soft toys that your child can build with, or that she can stack. Like the wooden toys mentioned above, she will be learning fine motor control and in the case of the soft toys, there will be less chance that she will injure herself on a sharp edge.
When you are looking for baby toys, remember that education and fun are not mutually exclusive. Check out wooden toys for babies and come up with your own developmental baby games!
Double Benefits from Educational Toys
Everyone from young children to senior citizens enjoys playing with magnets. Magnets are the only common item in our world that exhibits the fascinating magical-like ability to attract and repel. We have all enjoyed just snapping magnets together and then turning them around and noticing how they repel. Here is an award winning line up of toys that use the power of magnets combined with other aspects of learning. For the younger age group of 3 and up we recommend the magnetic puzzles by the Orb Factory. These 15 piece puzzles fit together easily and the magnetic pieces help the less dexterous fingers of small children keep the pieces in place. These puzzles come with a steel playing surface but the magnetic pieces allow the puzzle to be put together on any steel surface such as a fridge or filing cabinet.
For more complex 2 dimensional tiling on a flat surface, Fractile-7 is our pick. Fractiles-7 is a unique art and design toy that consists of many brightly colored magnetic diamond shapes that fit together on a 12” square steel activity board. The diamonds come in different sizes and angles that fit together to form complex geometric shapes. The permutations of shapes and colorful designs that can be created with Fractiles-7 are almost endless.
Our top recommendation for pre-schoolers is Magna Tiles. Younger children (ages 3 and up) will love MagnaTiles which are a set of 3-D magnetic building tiles of different geometric shapes that easily click together. For young minds, taking flat objects and creating 3-D objects is a new and exciting discovery. Children will learn through having fun playing with Magna-Tiles about geometric shapes, symmetry and spatial relationships.
Another popular toy that takes advantage of the magic of magnets are the rod and ball sets like GeoMags and Magz. This type of magnetic construction toy uses rods with magnets embedded in the ends and steel balls (due to small parts this toy is for ages 5 and up). The rods snap to each other and to the balls which allow for any angle to be constructed. These sets are especially good for constructing geometric shapes and larger structures using simpler geometric shapes as the building blocks.
For the more artistically inclined, we have discovered a couple kits that are sure to please. Mosaics are pictures or patterns made by placing small colored tiles together. Magnetic Mosaics uses 2000 small colorful non-toxic foam magnets and a 12” square activity surface to allow the creation of beautiful mosaic art. The kit contains information on the history of mosaics and creative mosaic projects. A similar type of kit is Magnetic Dreamings which uses Aboriginal art as the inspiration to create striking artwork using magnetic dots of color.
Another science related toy that we love is Zome Systems (also known as ZomeTools) which makes a range of kits from small sets for under $10 to huge sets costing almost $200. Zome Systems also provides books and lesson plans with help and ideas for learning play and instruction. Instead of magnets, Zome Systems uses different length struts with nodes (again, small parts means these kits are recommended for ages 6 and up) which snap together allowing for the construction of anything from a simple cube to a structure as complex as a DNA molecule. The Zome System is used in thousands of schools worldwide – elementary through college – and by leading scientists, mathematicians, artists and engineers. We especially like the Zome Bubble kit. If you make a cube and dip it into bubble solution, what shape bubble will you get? I bet you're wrong (hint: it's not a cube). Watch your child’s amazement – you will be amazed too.
Educational Baby Games and Toys, Choose The Games That Make A Difference
Baby educational games and toys will help your baby to learn about the world in a fun and safe way, they will have more fun with a toy if it’s stimulating to the sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste or smell than they would if it was just cute or pretty.
Educational Baby Games and Toys, Make Learning Fun!
Educational Baby games and toys are so important, they stimulate your babies brain, creating interest and arousing curiosity for further development of their mind.
When your baby is born their eyesight is blurry. In the first two months of their life they can only focus on objects eight to ten inches in front of him, so the first colours your baby sees are black, white and red. Lets make their environment exciting.
Education Baby games and toys should be bright. The brighter the better!
Bright colours, moving objects, classical music and textured toys will all help to stimulate your baby, as he begins to discover his whole new world.
Baby educational games and toys will help your baby to learn about the world in a fun and safe way, they will have more fun with a toy if it's stimulating to the sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste or smell than they would if it was just cute or pretty.
As your baby grows, you will want educational toys that help your child learn eye-hand coordination and develop their large and small motor-control skills, you will also need educational baby games and toys that stimulate social and language development, imagination, and creativity.
The first senses babies use to learn, are sight and sound.
When your baby is born their favourite sight is you, and they love to hear your voice. Now you can sing to your hearts content, they will love it.
So what else do baby need?
Not a lot, so don’t go over the top with toys, they don’t need it and neither does your bank account. It wont be long before they will want every toy and game there is, so be sensible while you can.
Interaction is your great fun learning game, seeing you, listening to you, giggling and laughing at you.
But you cannot be your child’s only entertainment system, you will need some time out!
So lets look at some other toys and games that your baby will love.
Up to eight weeks old your babies favourite sight and sounds are human faces and voices, they will also enjoy watching brightly coloured mobiles, wind-chimes and cot-toys, if clearly in view, they will focus best on hand held toys that are 8 inches from their face and will respond to soft music and being rocked gently.
At twelve weeks your baby can focus for longer on mobiles and cot-toys, they will also be able to see them at a greater distance. He will show a preference for bright colours and look at them for longer, but he will still have more interest in human faces and large pictures of faces, he will also enjoy wrist rattles, musical toys and squeaky toys.
From three to six months he will start to grasp a toy that is placed in his hand, and will begin to reach for toys. Your babies favourite early toys will be lightweight rattles and colourful teething rings, he will have learned to use both hands and will start to play with foam bricks, soft balls, cuddly soft toys or grip-toys with an internal squeak.
He will love floor activities up to the age of nine months, large bright activity quilts are a good idea, as is a activity centres. He will also love colourful toys with interesting designs and textures to study during quiet play, and of course, noisy toys for rattling and banging will have them enjoying and laughing.
Their first books should be brightly illustrated and made from "Chew Proof" card or Textured Fabrics, push and pull along toys will encourage walking and be a great aid for balancing.
Learning to walk is a fabulous time for your baby, but can be testing on you, as they will be everywhere, and while trying out their newfound skill, there will be bumps, cries and tears, and some of those will be yours.
The average ages for walking is between nine and thirteen months, but remember, this is only guideline so don’t be concerned if they are not quite on the move yet.
The timing is determined by your baby’s muscle strength, his ability to balance and most importantly, his personality, his motivation and confidence.
The weight of your baby may also play a part; a heavier baby will take longer to get up on their feet.
Give plenty of praise when he starts walking, they need encouragement just like we do, but don’t try to rush him along if he’s not quite ready, if he is pushed to quickly he may go back to crawling until he feels ready to give it another go.
Walking Aids come in many shapes and sizes, from simple baby learning toys such as Building Block Trolleys to Walkers that develop from simple aids to ride on toys, as you toddlers skills develop.
Baby ride on toys, are great for developing and strengthening the muscles in his legs and arms, the best one of all, has to be The Rocking Horse. This is excellent for learning to keep their balance and start their pretend play, there are others such as rea-saw and trikes, but you cant beat the classics.
This form of play benefits all toddlers. It improves mood, appetite and quality of sleep and brings better general health, it also develops their muscles, increases their strength and agility, and improves their co-ordination,
Just a quick note about the First Pair of Shoes
While your baby is still crawling, shoes are largely there for decoration, although its important that they are not too small.
When children start to walk, they often curl their toes, so it's better for children to go barefoot or wear socks for as long as possible. The bones in a child’s feet are very soft and can easily be damage, which can lead to posture problems.
Wait until your child is walking unaided, and ready to walk outside, before buying his first pair of shoes and please get his feet measured by someone who is properly qualified.
But it is not just baby games that your baby will need, he will also enjoy physical contact and will enjoy being massaged, and this will help relax your baby, keep his joints flexible and encourage muscle coordination.
Massage will also give you confidence in handling your baby and help you get to know him.
Ask your doctor about massaging your baby, it is important to get the right information before you start.
Food is a brilliant way for children to learn it stimulates your baby’s sense of taste and smell by allowing him a wide variety of tastes and textures, it is important to allow your baby to experiment and see how your baby reacts to different foods and varying taste.
Eating food with his hands is natural and beneficial, and should be encourage.
So many children come to fear food by having to eat everything on the plate, others become fussy eaters through not being taught to experiment with food.
Most importantly remember that you are your baby’s super hero; he looks up to you for the best start in life and what you do and how you react in his environment, will be reflected in him, he will follow in your footsteps.
You can make a difference
Your baby will grow more now, in the first year of his or her little life than at any other time, both physically and mentally.
Incorporating Animation in Kids Education
Since then, by adopting the various technological tools that were available, we have been able to enhance the amount of their education that kids retain. Kids’ learning has moved out of its box ever since e-learning revolutionized the education system. With e-learning, kids can get past learning for tests and learn for pleasure. Thus, over the years, more and more e-learning tools have been created to provide more enjoyable and interactive ways of learning. One such creation is Animation.
But what role will animation play in kids’ education? Why should we consider it to be so potentially helpful?
Animation creates a lasting impression on the memory of the viewer - and this is the single most valuable reason for its popularity. In fact, animation makes learning more informative, engaging, and works well for kids. All of these elements provide a great platform for kids to learn some basic yet valuable lessons in their early childhood. It has been well established that animated e-learning materials are great to use in educating young minds. Animated characters are large, colorful, and action-oriented and are accompanied by funny sound effects. All these put together bring interest, spice, and lots of surprise. Aside from being great to watch, animation helps in getting a message across that sometimes words, audio or even video alone cannot.
Some of the key advantages of using multimedia and animation for creating effective e-learning materials for kid’s education are:
•Animation – invites and holds kids attention better and longer
•Videos – stimulates visual senses to encourage interaction
•Sound – stimulates the auditory senses similar to music.
Today’s children are much more integrated with technology than those of previous generations. They are always curious about new things and tend to learn more quickly especially if the method is fun and entertaining. Flash animated e-learning solutions helps in arousing curiosity among kids and encourages them to grasp the contents of any subject more easily. Kids can be kept interested in educational subject matter if it contains high quality flash animation and interactive 3D animation is even better for this purpose. That is why 3D animation finds widespread usage in education, especially to engage and educate young minds, enhancing their level of motivation and thus aids progression beyond normal academic standards.
As more and more parents start using computers in their homes, there is a growing acceptance of the belief that a well animated and aesthetically designed e-learning material can serve to enhance, not to supplement, kids education. Thus, we see that animation holds enormous potential for teaching and it has been proved time and again to be a really useful tool. But like any other tool, animation is only helpful when it is needed. We should only use animation when it serves a clear purpose. Kids of all ages are extremely receptive and are easily influenced by things that they visualize. If they are over stimulated by animation at a very young age, they may develop attention deficiency problems which would affect their learning abilities well into their later years. These days, there are many companies offering animated e-learning materials who are more concerned about becoming popular among children, but at the cost of over-stimulating the young minds.
Columbus, Ohio based Cybervation, Inc. is one company who has recognized this problem and that is why they have developed a special look and feel of animation which is unique and specially designed to help children stay focused in their learning without over-stimulating the young mind.
Special Education Inclusion
The prime advantage of special education inclusion is that both disabled and non-disabled students are brought together in an environment of togetherness. Children learn to accept individual differences in inclusion education and this would lead to the development of new friendly relationships. Inclusion education also enables active participation of parents in their child's education. The law also states that students with disabilities have a legal right to attend regular classes and receive an appropriate education in the least restrictive environment. Although the advantages are many, inclusion education creates an uncertainty regarding the roles and responsibilities of regular classroom teachers and special education teachers. However, researches show that inclusion education can be made effective by a healthy collaboration of special education teachers and regular teachers. With the assistance of services that would be available from the health department, physical education department, occupational therapists, speech therapists, etc., the school administration can aid the teachers to develop active lesson plans for inclusion education. Thus schools can create a cooperative learning environment and promote socialization.
Special Needs Education
Special needs children often feel a great deal of frustration with the world around them, as they are met with more difficulty than their peers in mastering basic tasks, and because they often struggle to understand their environment. Educational toys provide children with a sense of satisfaction and self-achievement. This positive, rewarding experience can help to soothe the frustration that is understandably experienced by these children.
Children suffering from learning, developmental or psychiatric disorders are often very insecure and unsure of their environment, which causes an extraordinary amount of anxiety. The play-and-learn approach encourages children to become immersed in their work and to develop a positive, more satiated demeanor that helps to offset feelings of insecurity or anxiousness.
Many times special education children feel insufficient and inferior to their peers, which can cause extremely low confidence and self-esteem. Because children teach themselves and learn independently with educational toys, achievements gained self-sufficiently help these children to build a sense of confidence and self-assurance. This increased self-esteem then allows children to interact more comfortably with their environment, and gives them the confidence needed to approach learning.
Due to speech impediments, hearing problems, social anxiety or other communication problems, educators often struggle to communicate with special education children. Educational toys allow children to teach themselves through the enjoyable and engaging play-to-learn approach. With this strategy, children are able to learn independently, and their development is no longer hindered by communication problems. Additionally, the visual perception, concentration and self-esteem skills nurtured by educational and self-teaching toys allow for children to be more accepting of their environment. This receptiveness can open the lines of communication, allowing special needs children to learn and to grow.
Special needs children have a very widespread range of difficulty, and the needs of each child are unique. Educational toys' engaging nature helps to keep these children motivated, and the self-teaching approach allows for them to move at their own pace. Ultimately, they are an outstanding means to help children master visual perception, linguistic, critical thinking, reasoning, object recognition, logical thinking, concentration and other vital developmental skills. This helps to provide a framework for special needs children to grow and to move on to live functional, fulfilling lives.
Arts Integration!!

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Education for children with disability - a guide for parents
- schooling for students with disability in Queensland
- the importance of early childhood education
- the specialised support available to children and students with disability
- what you can do to get the best outcomes for your child.
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Tags – integrated education for disabled children (iedc)
integrated education for disabled children scheme
history of education for disabled
field of disabilities
education for disabled children in india
history of education for disabled children
disabled children and education in the uk
integrated education disabled children
100 Best Resources for Educators

Educational Toys for Infants and Children
- Choose appropriate educational toys for different age groups, considering your child's abilities and interests.
- Always read the instructions before using the toy or game and keep the product literature safely, for future reference.
- Toys for infants/toddlers should not have any sharp edges, and small parts.
- Let the kids play under your supervision.
- Don't allow the younger kids to use toys meant for the older ones.
- Keep these toys in a safe place, away from very young children.
- Check these toys at regular intervals for damage.
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Tags – discovery toys
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top educational toys
educational toys for 2 year olds
educational toys for 3 year olds
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